Dotworkz Systems – the innovative brand that’s revolutionizing the world of outdoor video surveillance

Dotworkz Systems – the innovative brand that’s revolutionizing the world of outdoor video surveillance Greetings! Today, we’re talking about Dotworkz Systems – the innovative brand that’s revolutionizing the world of outdoor video surveillance. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Chelsea, what could possibly be so exciting about video surveillance?” But trust me, when you hear…

Dotworkz D2, AXIS cameras and AWS Panorama

The best systems start with the best hardware Dotworkz D2, AXIS cameras and AWS Panorama Dotworkz D2 camera housing with Axis cameras and Amazons AWS Panorama machine learning Appliance bridges the hardware with on-premises cameras to make predictions locally with high accuracy and low latency. With Dotworkz Panorama, you can automate tasks that have traditionally…